Since my childhood I like to read books, and a variety of fiction and to psychology.
Today I would like to share with you or even ask))) What kind of relationship do you prefer?
Here are some types of relationships that are present in pairs:
Peaceful relations. At first glance it may seem that this is the ideal relationship. From the side it looks smooth, it seems that the relationship in a pair of built exclusively on understanding, mutual respect and tolerance. In fact, this kind of relationship is inherent in couples who have lived together for at least 3 years. And in some cases, the "peace of mind" in a relationship can talk about the indifference of the partners to each other. But if the pair are present warm relations, they do not interfere with a bit of emotion "to shake", and that too boring.
Tyrannical. It is a relationship built on constant scandals. Partners in these respects absolutely selfish, everyone pulls the blanket over himself. Such a relationship can lead to either the drama or, if both are satisfied, they can reach out long enough.
Passionate. Characterized mainly relations in the stage of love. In general, over time these relationships become more calm.
Energetic. In such a pair relationships are built on a shared leisure, they have the same hobbies. All my free time they spend close to each other, engaging in joint hobby. Like all good, except that after a few years of marriage, the relationship is already like no love, just friendship.
Platonic - a relationship built on a high spiritual level. Despite the almost complete lack of physical attraction partners to each other, such relationships are known for sufficient strength of the union.
Business. This is when the public are trying to create the impression of a great family, and no one is, people do not want to be with each other. This is evidenced by the lack of love between partners, even if unilaterally
manner, i.e. when one loves and the other allows himself to love.
Versatile. This is one of the most common forms of relationships. In this case, there is a constant fickleness in relationships today people live in peace and harmony, and tomorrow between them could break the scandal without any objective reason. But despite this, these relationships are strong enough and prolonged, often lifelong.