Hey Community, have you ever thought about where would you like to live? I don't think that all people in the world are satisfied with the place of their birth or place where they are living for the moment. . I just wonder what is yours criteria for the best place to live? What are you dreaming about? As for me, despite on the fact that I love my country and city a lot, I would like to live in the place without seasons and very close to the sea. It is amazing feeling to go outside in the middle of February and it is +15 and bright sunshine. It is my dream. Really. Just forget about those fears that OMG winter is coming or bbbbrrrrrrrrrrr today is -20! LOL It is very important I think. I believe that If you are in the place you like there is no stress anymore. Besides, for me the weather means a lot. I mean I feel inner strength and power when it is warm and sunny but when it is really cold all my energy is wasted for body heating !!
Moreover, imagine how amazing to wake up every morning and see the sea view in your window??? Better than see roads of megapolis, hahhh.
What do you think?

What do you think?

Cheers! J.xoxo