This is my video task with my best friend - Kamila.
We are doing it by Skype because I haven't seen her in a very long time
Because she is constantly travelling from one country to another. I can't catch her. And only sometimes I catch her in Skype
So at least here we can talk.
-Hey. How are you?
-I'm great. How about you?Where are you right now?
-I'm in Turkey, in Istanbul.
-Wow, in Istanbul.That's where you have been already for almost a year?
-Yeah, I got stuck here. A whole year here.
-What's new with you?
-I'm planning to go to Ukraine soon.Though, never mind.
-More importantly, what can you say about Turkish men? The topic of men is quite popular.Yeah, it's important.I've met different men here. Here are some very traditional turks.That are strong believers of their religion.They can ask a girl to change her religion, cover her up when going out.
-Like this?- Only some like that. Mostly leave the face open.
-What kind of men did you meet?
-Because you are a good looking girl, I'm sure you get a lot of attention from men. Those really traditional men don't really attract me.-You are interested in some other tradition?
-No.I mean I need freedom, but these traditional men always try to keep the girl by their side.But for me that's difficult. I need my personal space.I'm better with more European like men that value their freedom and respect mine.
-Love you.
-What do you have there? Show me the pendant
- It's infinity
-It's pretty.
-You've got nail polish?
-Let me see. Because I don't have my nails done and i feel jealous.
-I just do it really rarely.
- It looks good.
-Love you,Kamila
-Love you too.

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