
Strategy uses Stoch360 and Ema12 and Sma12. Timeframe is 1 hour.
Strategy opens Short if Ema12 is lower than Sma12, current Ema and
current Sma are lower than previous ones, and when Stoch360 current
lower than previuos. Strategy opens Long if Ema12 is higher than
Sma12, current Ema and current Sma are higher than previous ones, and
when Stoch360 current is higher than previuos. Stoploss is 20 pips,
Take profit is 200 pips. When Profit of opened position is higher
20 pips Stoploss is changed to -5. When Stoch360 reaches 20 and some
other conditions are fulfilled the Short position is closed. When
Stoch360 reaches 80 and some other conditions are fulfilled the Long
position is closed.

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