Usually we collect unneeded things and feel hard to get rid of them. Every year the amount of such things is becoming bigger and bigger and we have no time to sort them out and decide what to leave and what to throw away.
There is a rule that having bought a new thing you have to utilize an old one. It’s really convenient for lazy people. The less staff you have, the less cleaning around the house you’ll have to do. It concerns not only cleaning the house, but also you get less concerns regarding what to wear, to choose, to use.
It’s important to surround yourself with dear things only, they say, the more chaotic the space around us is, the more chaos we have in our heads.
There is also a very interesting system proposed by Fly Lady. According to her system, every week you need to get rid of 27 things. It’s not necessarily clothes or footwear, it can be old checks, unnecessary documents, empty cosmetic bottles, etc.
In this Marathon I have chosen such option as "Get rid of old things”. That’s why starting from last week I started collecting 27 things and utilizing them at the end of a week. You know, it works really great! For sure sometimes it’s really hard to get rid of a certain thing, however, you have to remember that having not used a thing for a year, you won’t ever use it again.
According to FlyLady, while decluttering a house, you have to separate it into zones. When you’re decluttering a zone you have to split it to 3 sections: (1 – to throw away, 2 – to give away, 3 – to sgift to another place).
As for me, the hardest task is not to buy more. When I see some discounts in a shop, I’m unable to pass them by. That’s why, very often I have several cosmetic bottles, several notebooks, etc.
Hope my rules were helpful to you, later on I'll go into details.