I won't remind you of these sport activities such as cycling, aerobics, jogging, swimming, yoga, etc., - all of them are classic and I think that almost everyone does at least one of these sports ... so do I.

The main condition to be in a good shape, is when your body and soul lives in a harmony. Happy human who is living in a harmony with himself can't have a weight problems (except if there are some medical problems). Be happy, don't blame yourself, love yourself and love what you do, don't be afraid of life, be nice, try to have non-complex.... I don't say that I'm perfect in this, but I'm working on this all the time. Happy people do sports, eat what they want and how much they want. Healthy and happy body requires just as much as it needs and what it needs. Best way to determine what to eat - eat what you like. If you start to eat too much, then there are problems in your mind and feels. When I’m feeling bad I start to eat more than usually.

What about water ? Drink water as much as the body requires, because your body knows better how much it needs. Too much water isn't good for health. Eat lot of vegetables .. what kind of vegetables?...ask your body, it will feel better what to eat. Everybody is different and I think that there can't be a single recipe what quantity of water, vegetables, meat and other products you must consume in a day.

Some general suggestions:

  • Do sports
  • Do not use elevators (walk on foot)
  • As much as possible - move on foot
  • Sleep well
  • Laugh, have fun
  • Enjoy your life!

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