I have a mood today to talk about food))) LOL
Fortunately, I am here only with useful tips! You know there are not a lot of people in the world can afford their self to eat at night. I mean late night.
Most of us are trying to control food consumption in order not to gain weight and avoid bloating in belly in the morning which you can feel if you ate and went to sleep straight away. But what to do if you really starving at 1am and can't even sleep?? Or you have to work a little bit longer but you just feel like your stomach stuck to your back??. . I am against such a cruel attitude to our body and soul! Fortunately, there is solution exist as well))))) No suffering any more!
The most important thing in night eating is to know what to eat. I am goanna tell you what to eat in order to wake up slim and fresh every morning!

  • Almonds (23 nuts)
  • Strawberries, raspberries (1 cup of each), grapefruit (1/2 of one) or clementines (2 whole)
  • Asparagus (eat as much as you want)
  • Low -Fat Greek yogurt (1/2 cup) with berries (1/2 cup)
  • Celery (1 cup) with hummus (2 table spoons)
  • Chicken, turkey or grilled fish (100 -150 gr)
  • Papaya (1 cup)
  • Avocado (1/2 of one)
  • Water (1 glass) -best choice LOOOLLLLL
P.S. Of course it is better not to do it every night but as soon as you are starving it is better to eat something useful than sandwich or candies)) Want to eat at night??? Do it smart than))
Follow my advices and you gonna be fine!
Take care of yourself! J. xoxo
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