Good Morning Community!
How are you today? We have grey and cloudy morning in Kiev and I even can feel a light headache because of low pressure. For me it is hard to feel myself refreshed in such weather but still I got an interesting information and ready to share it with you straight away!
Do you know that the brain of normal person is working only for 5% of its abilities. I am not talking now about genius people. In fact, brains like a muscle. You are training -it is growing. So you can open and develop your abilities as you want.
Do you think mission impossible???? No! Not any more)))) There is a different tips how to make it. Do all together and you will see unbelievable result! Miimpossible???? No! Not any more))))

  1. solve puzzle and riddles
  2. develop ambidexterity in you body (ability to use both hands as right)
  3. work a lot with ambiguity and uncertainty. Start to enjoy working with paradoxes
  4. start to learn intellectual cards
  5. block one or several feelings (eat with closed yes or take shower with close eyes)
  6. develop your taste feelings (enjoy each piece of chocolate or wine etc)
  7. try to find something common between absolutely different things
  8. learn how to compose a text using keyboard in a blind way
  9. come up with new ways of using old subjects
  10. change your views to the opposite from time to time
  11. learn new art techniques
  12. never stop on obvious things. Go further than the first and right answer.
  13. change the normal order of things in your life and always ask yourself a question "What if...?"
  14. do jogging
  15. put all paints and pictures at your place upside down
  16. develop critical thinking
  17. learn logic and solve logical tasks
  18. learn scientific way of thinking
  19. draw! No matter what and you don't have to be painter
  20. live with positive thinking
  21. engage yourself with one kind of art
  22. develop skills to show magic tricks. It is all about hands))
  23. eat useful food for brains
  24. you should always feel light hungriness
  25. do sport
  26. keep your back straight while sitting
  27. drink lots of fresh water. you know the daily amount is up to 2,5 liters
  28. breath slow and deeply
  29. laughing
  30. get a hobby
  31. sleep well and enough
  32. do a power nap during day time
  33. listen to good music
  34. stop to move the doing of things to another time/day
  35. restrict yourself in technique application
  36. learn more about humans mental abilities
  37. change your style
  38. improve your abilities to communicate with yourself
  39. be simple
  40. play chess
  41. play other games for brains
  42. be as direct as kids
  43. develop your sense of humour
  44. do the LIST 100. It helps to find new ideas, find problems or new solutions)
  45. use IDEO QUOTA method (daily pre list of new ideas)
  46. pay attention to each idea which come to your mind
  47. develop your ideas. If one is not appropriate for today, you can come back to it later on
  48. always watch around people, things etc
  49. write diary
  50. learn foreign languages
  51. try different cuisines
  52. learn commuter programs
  53. read long words from the end
  54. always moving around. Don't stuck at one place
  55. do blogging
  56. learn symbol's language
  57. learn how to play different musical instruments
  58. visit museums
  59. learn the brain functioning
...........To be continue in the next blog
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