I like the big and roomy bag, so you can put a lot of things, and sometimes even shoes, so you can change out if tired of heels. Usually in my bag always contains the following items :
* My phone . Of course, each person should have a cell phone, so you can connect with other people.
* Headphones. When I go somewhere, I always listen to my favorite music, so headphones are always present in my bag.
* Keys. This is a very important aspect, for obvious reasons
* Purse
* Comb. This item is needed, so you can at any time to comb your hair and look good.
* Cosmetics (powder, eye shadow with mirror, lipstick). Always helps to be beautiful at any place and at any time!
* Perfume. Helps always smell good.
* Sunglasses. They can always be put in the sun.
* Notebook and pen. These things are necessary, because any desired information can be written.
That's all that I usually have in my bag!

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