Tonight I had a complete mess at work. Yes, it's Sunday and it is about work. Working with people who have or take no responsibility for their own actions made me realize that having your own firm is so easy. More specific - people who were working on one of 4 buildings I manage made a complete mess on the roof. Tonight, heavy showers have finished the job - I have water falling inside on electric cables. I climbed on the roof and managed somehow to cover the whole thing while my associate turned of his phone while his wife is in town. I will organize the repair tomorrow and deal with my associate who will be sent back home to report to directors.
And now, how is this connected with my view of entrepreneurship?
1. You have to know what you are doing
2. You need to have the 'what if...' plan
3. If 'if' scenario happens, you have to deal with damage control
4. You have to know when to back up
5. You have to take responsibility for your actions fully and unconditionally
6. You have to respect your associates, but still know when it's time to be rewarded or punished
7. You have to stay alert 24/7
All in all, my point of view is that it's difficult, but people who want something can get it if they are aware of the responsibility and devotion it takes to succeed.

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