This is Peachy Nicole from Hong Kong♥♥
25 years old (I still regard myself as a kid)

♔ I am now doing a business master degree in UK
Just finished last month, see how smart I was in gown ✧

I am a typical Capricorn ♑ ! Supposed to be rational and calm..
But actually I'm more than very silly ...... epic fail lol

Averagely I spend 1 to 2 hours per day for daydreaming.☁☁
♪“Dreams are my reality. The only real kind of real fantasy.♬
Illusions are a common thing. I try to live in dreams. It seems as if it's meant to be”
♫ It is my favorite lyrics.♥♥

And I love travelling.✈ ✈
I have been to China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Spain, Italy, Iceland,
Germany, Austria, Czech, Greece, Turkey, Hungary, and France.❀ ✿

❖I like seeking adventures during every single journey like ...
sleep at the airport, hitch a ride and couch-surfing. ❖
I enjoy exploring new stuff and meet people from all over the world.

I love photography, either be the model or photographer. ❤
☪ I hope to capture all the greatest moment at my prime age
and show it to my children how amazing their mum has been. ☺

☆ And I love food, eating great food is one of the enjoyment in my life. ♥☃
Sometimes when I was depressed, only good food can cheer me up! ☼

I am a sporty and perky girl who love hitting gym. ♡ ♥
✤ I believe fitness not only brings health but also confidence.
Every girl deserves a zingy, sexy and hot body!! ✧

That's all! This is Peachy Nicole

- same post as previous one, just found that it can be a task-

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