You can pump up the buttocks and in the home, without exhausting trips to the gym. The man has three layers of the gluteal muscles, and to pump up the buttocks need to train each layer. The gluteus maximus we strengthen doing exercises diverting legs back. And the average and low load is obtained when the elements of diverting feet to the side. Buttocks - a problem zone, where cellulite appears in the first place, constantly accumulate body fat, and they just burned during aerobic exercise: on a treadmill in the pool hall. But sometimes even the skinny girls, buttocks may look flabby and shapeless. To our buttocks look appetizing, you need to regularly swing buttocks. Also a lot of attention to the buttocks and, importantly, give Pilates stretching and body ballet. However, only one exercise without proper nutrition, good results can not be achieved. It will help you a healthy and balanced diet Ducane recipes.

To pump up the buttocks follow the next set of exercises

1. Exercise "WALKING"

Sit on the floor, stretch the legs and "step." Slowly move it back and forth, "stepping" buttocks.

2.Chtoby pump buttocks, do the exercise "GOOD SWING"

Standing on all fours (thigh parallel to the floor, perpendicular to the lower leg), slowly pull the leg up.

3. Exercise "PENGUIN"

Sitting on the edge of the chair, squeeze the ball knees for 30 seconds. Exercise trains the muscles of the inner thigh.

4. Well pumps buttocks exercise "lazy"

Up, up and then down, down: pick up the ass from the floor in two steps.

As you can see pump buttocks are not so difficult. The main rule is - it regularly.
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