Until you dig a hole, you plant a tree, you water it and make it survive, you haven't done a thing. You are just talking. Wangari Maathai

Just less than a kilo meter area, with a population of more than one thousand, two football fields, four mosques, one school,two nursery schools, a boatyard, a 'vast' dumping-yard, a boat jetty, a power house, etc, etc, I found myself in a dilemma whether I would be forced to plant my sapling in a flower pot and let it sail on the mass of water around my island to grow, till a raging wave catches it and topples it down. it could not be grown inside because it is a mango sapling and it grows tall and big.
One of my senior students had given me a mango seed and I had planted it in a flower pot. The seed sprouted and the sapling was growing. I thought it would be better if could plant it in a open place and then it would grow faster and stronger and I wanted to do it before the Dukasummer Contest ended. After a few days struggle, with the help of a junior student we got a place to plant it.
My young friend's name is Sitham and he promised that he would water it everyday for me. Moreover he showed me his play-house and bird's house with full of little love birds. The cutest thing is the colorful macaw he has! Snaps of it for another post.

It takes a noble man to plant a seed for a tree that will some day give shade to people he may never meet."
D. Elton Trueblood
Theologian, WriterD. Elton Trueblood

Thank you all