Waiting To Be Collared And Leashed

This is our lovely, lively and overly active Micky. Now it is (her) our walking time. If she gets an order to 'GO' without a walking line she becomes a speeding bullet, springs out from here leaving butterflies in our stomachs for next 30 to 40 minutes. For, she is a cutie for us but I don't think the big, bullying canines in her neighborhood will be entertaining the same feeling for her. Whenever she has won over me with her highly bewitching antics and got herself free, we have been reduced to bundle of nerves until she was some how cajoled into our arms. Even after accepting that unwilling welcome, she wont stop creating a chaos by panting frantically but playfully,squealing, barking and twisting until she feels it is enough to use (misuse!) our unsuspecting love towards it.
Pulling All The Way-Not Walking!
The person who walks Micky for at least 10 minutes may not need any work out for the next whole week. As soon as we are ready she starts pulling at us relentlessly. Then there is no let up. She pulls or drags the person at the other end of the leash till he/she gets completely exhausted and tucks her somewhere to have a breather. Anyhow we all love to take her out. its a joy to watch her being so full of life and energy. Its really contagious.

The Urge To surge
After the tug of war when we both relax, somewhere out in the open, Micky doing all sorts of twisting, twirling, turning and cuddling, there is an uncontrollable urge in me to unleash her, to feel and see that spring in her little legs, as she becomes a bundle of joy out in the open air with a galloping motion.In a jiffy she Will be nowhere! But even in that dash in a flash too I can see a glitter of gratitude flashing in one of her eyes, just for me for letting her free.
Finally, I decide that we go home leaving the risk behind. .