Hello All,

This is a tough topic for me to write on, because the truth is that I don't do anything to stay beautiful. At least, I don't do anything special to look pretty, not more than any other girl does.

However, I believe that the best recipe to look good is to feel good. A girl has to be confident about herself and her looks. It is important to maintain a good posture and to carry oneself with pride. A bright smile usually brings out the best in a girl.

I like feeling natural. The best way to keep the skin fresh is to bathe in a cold sea (like the Baltic Sea). I use ordinary white salt for a scrub. I find SPAs incredibly boring. The only special beauty products I use are for the hair, because I have been doing some pretty nasty bleaching lately.

To make things clear, I do not despise beauty products. On the contrary, I find them very useful and I believe that I will be using more of them as time does it's thing to all of us, women, without any known exclusions.

Thank you for reading.
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