За всю жизнь мне пока что не удавалось много попутешествовать, но это только пока! 
Но все же, у меня было одно незабываемое путешествие. Я занимаюсь аэробикой уже более 15 лет , у нас отличная команда, которая уже завоевала много наград. Благодаря спорту, у меня была возможность побывать в неземной Австралии!
I hadn`t the opportunity to travel a lot in my life, but that`s only for now!
However, i had the one unforgettable trip. I have been doing aerobics for more than 15 years, we have an excellent team that has already won many awards. Thanks to sports, I had the opportunity to visit unearthly Australia!

Сначала мы прилетели в Сидней, где провели целый день , после чего отправились в город Голд Кост - золотое побережье.
Наша гостиница находилась у самого океана, а вид у нас был на вес город и океан, так как у нас был балкон с панорамный видом.
Firstly, we went to Sydney, where we spent the whole day, after which we went to the Gold Coast. Our hotel was near to the ocean, and we had the view on the full city and the ocean, as we had a balcony with a panoramic windows.

Мы кормили кенгурушек, гладили медвежат - коал, трогали скатов и морских звездочек, заповедники в Австралии не сравнятся ни с какими зоопарками!
We fed kangarooos, stroked koalas, touched stingrays and sea stars. Parks in Australia can not be compared to any zoos!

И , между прочим, это был октябрь - самый разгар солнышка для нас , северных людей. Мы накупались в бескрайнем океане, загорели и набрались витамин на нашу долгую зиму. Познакомились с австралийской командой ,хорошо провели время и заняли четвертое место на чемпионате , что было для нас успехом. Я очень рада, что у меня был шанс побывать в такой райской , далекой от нас, стране и я его не упустила!!!
And, by the way, it was October - the very heat of the sun for us, the northern people. We swam in the ocean, sunbathed and gained vitamin for our long winter. We acquainted with the Australian team, had a good time and got the fourth place in the championship, which was a success for us. I am very glad that I had a chance to visit such a paradise country far from us, and I did not miss it !!!

We fed kangarooos, stroked koalas, touched stingrays and sea stars. Reserves in Australia can not be compared to any zoos!
We fed kangarooos, stroked koalas, touched stingrays and sea stars. Reserves in Australia can not be compared to any zoos!
And, by the way, it was October - the very heat of the sun for us, the northern people. We swam in the ocean, sunbathed and gained vitamin for our long winter. Acquainted with the Australian team, had a good time and finished fourth in the championship, which was a success for us. I am very glad that I had a chance to visit such a paradise, a country far from us, and I did not miss it !!!
And, by the way, it was October - the very heat of the sun for us, the northern people. We swam in the ocean, sunbathed and gained vitamin for our long winter. Acquainted with the Australian team, had a good time and finished fourth in the championship, which was a success for us. I am very glad that I had a chance to visit such a paradise, a country far from us, and I did not miss it !!!
And, by the way, it was October - the very heat of the sun for us, the northern people. We swam in the ocean, sunbathed and gained vitamin for our long winter. Acquainted with the Australian team, had a good time and finished fourth in the championship, which was a success for us. I am very glad that I had a chance to visit such a paradise, a country far from us, and I did not miss it !!!

Но все же, у меня было одно незабываемое путешествие. Я занимаюсь аэробикой уже более 15 лет , у нас отличная команда, которая уже завоевала много наград. Благодаря спорту, у меня была возможность побывать в неземной Австралии!
I hadn`t the opportunity to travel a lot in my life, but that`s only for now!

However, i had the one unforgettable trip. I have been doing aerobics for more than 15 years, we have an excellent team that has already won many awards. Thanks to sports, I had the opportunity to visit unearthly Australia!

Сначала мы прилетели в Сидней, где провели целый день , после чего отправились в город Голд Кост - золотое побережье.
Наша гостиница находилась у самого океана, а вид у нас был на вес город и океан, так как у нас был балкон с панорамный видом.
Firstly, we went to Sydney, where we spent the whole day, after which we went to the Gold Coast. Our hotel was near to the ocean, and we had the view on the full city and the ocean, as we had a balcony with a panoramic windows.

We fed kangarooos, stroked koalas, touched stingrays and sea stars. Parks in Australia can not be compared to any zoos!

И , между прочим, это был октябрь - самый разгар солнышка для нас , северных людей. Мы накупались в бескрайнем океане, загорели и набрались витамин на нашу долгую зиму. Познакомились с австралийской командой ,хорошо провели время и заняли четвертое место на чемпионате , что было для нас успехом. Я очень рада, что у меня был шанс побывать в такой райской , далекой от нас, стране и я его не упустила!!!

And, by the way, it was October - the very heat of the sun for us, the northern people. We swam in the ocean, sunbathed and gained vitamin for our long winter. We acquainted with the Australian team, had a good time and got the fourth place in the championship, which was a success for us. I am very glad that I had a chance to visit such a paradise country far from us, and I did not miss it !!!

We fed kangarooos, stroked koalas, touched stingrays and sea stars. Reserves in Australia can not be compared to any zoos!
We fed kangarooos, stroked koalas, touched stingrays and sea stars. Reserves in Australia can not be compared to any zoos!
And, by the way, it was October - the very heat of the sun for us, the northern people. We swam in the ocean, sunbathed and gained vitamin for our long winter. Acquainted with the Australian team, had a good time and finished fourth in the championship, which was a success for us. I am very glad that I had a chance to visit such a paradise, a country far from us, and I did not miss it !!!
And, by the way, it was October - the very heat of the sun for us, the northern people. We swam in the ocean, sunbathed and gained vitamin for our long winter. Acquainted with the Australian team, had a good time and finished fourth in the championship, which was a success for us. I am very glad that I had a chance to visit such a paradise, a country far from us, and I did not miss it !!!
And, by the way, it was October - the very heat of the sun for us, the northern people. We swam in the ocean, sunbathed and gained vitamin for our long winter. Acquainted with the Australian team, had a good time and finished fourth in the championship, which was a success for us. I am very glad that I had a chance to visit such a paradise, a country far from us, and I did not miss it !!!