I want to share with you one of my passions
I like to collecting weird-funny Hats 
I never thinking about me as a collectionaire, because I didn't keep in mind my hat collection all the time, even when I played a "question - game" with my friends and get a question: "are you collect something, and why you think people like to collect things" - my answer was NO, Im not a collector" BUT %) when I came back home and found a bag will all my hats as a proof this Video i made -
I felt caught and admitted it, "YES, I like to collecting weird and funny HATS, Omg but Why?"
So Im sharing with you a video of my collection, I think I should make a new video- because its time
I have many New crazy hats for this time)
So what do you think?
about hat collections, and did you ever collect something? or still have some collections?. 

P.S: this also weird music on the background I made many years ago in music program "sony acid"
I want to share with you one of my passions

I never thinking about me as a collectionaire, because I didn't keep in mind my hat collection all the time, even when I played a "question - game" with my friends and get a question: "are you collect something, and why you think people like to collect things" - my answer was NO, Im not a collector" BUT %) when I came back home and found a bag will all my hats as a proof this Video i made -

So Im sharing with you a video of my collection, I think I should make a new video- because its time

So what do you think?

P.S: this also weird music on the background I made many years ago in music program "sony acid"