Some days ago i need to prepare news report and find out very interesting and very common potential menace. Do you want to know what is it?? Just stay here with me:-)))) heheee
Just let's go ahead!!!!!
Travellers and phone-camera lovers need to note a new danger that has recently come to light. This new life-threatening hazard has sprung up in the past few years. and is now a ubiquitous part of life. It also Proving to be twice aslethal as being killes by a shark. What is this potential new menace??. Of course it is the selfie. Nowdays it is really very actual and you love them ot hate them the desire to take a photo of yourself in front of a world famous site or to strike a pose and pout with a friend has resultes in more deaths in 2015 than sharks attacks.
Selfie-related accidents can happen in all manner of circumstances. the website has detailed the 12 deaths seen this year. They include 2 Russian men who were killes while taking selfie with a hand grenade, 3 Indian students who were killed by an oncoming train while taking selfie on train tracks, and an American woman who fell to her death while taking a selfie with her boyfroend on a cliff in South Africa. The lates death came some times ago when a Japanese tourist died falling down the stairs while trying to get a shot of himself at the Taj Mahal in Indian. Unfortunately there may be more:-(
So be more careful when taking selfie;-)
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