Hello, dear community! Nice task.
I would like to explain my "dislike" on one of the pizza restaurant here, in Riga. Well, calling it a reastaurant - is too big deal! It's name is chili pizza..... One I told my self, that I won't return there, so why I did?!! Okay... no emotions - now you will understand me.

I am pizza fan, mostly with aubergine of with mushrooms. That day I met one good friend of mine , we where in the city center and for some reasons we chose exactly this place. There was actually no matter where to go, because we wanted to talk. So , we went there and because I was hungry I ordered pizza with zucchini. Waitress gave it to me in 15 or 20 minutes - quite fast! Maybe I could understand that I have to run from there from the way she throwed me the menu. Okay.

I started to eat. At first it was very tasty! Cheese, zucchini, tomatoes.. Wonderful! Wonderful until exactly half of it. When I cut it - I saw baked hair inside of my food!!! No, I didn't take it off. I called that girl , and asked - "I would like to understand - what is this?" - "It's a hair" - she replied.... Really? After I looked at her , in her eyes she told me that they will remake it. "No, thanks" - I'd rather go to another place, that waist my time on unproseffional, bad, untasty place... And I'm not the only one person that saying this.

So! - Choose good places, make your choise correctly
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