I feel like for such a long time people (especially young women) have been struggling with their weight: loosing , gaining, then loosing again, strict diets, no life, basically there is only one fixed idea in the head: HOW DO I LOOSE WEIGHT.

It is almost a fact that there is no perfect diet for everyone, moreover DIET as a term changed its sense completely. Diet as a way of eating NOT as a way of not eating The most important thing is LIFESTYLE. Some people have to change it completely in order to stay fit, healthy and happy. Some just need to modify it a bit.

Today, I would like to share some of the tips that will help ladies (and not only) have the bodies they want without the torture of not eating anything and have health problems as a consequence.

This is totally based on my own experience and knowledge

#1 Drink a lo of water

#2 Sleep well

#3 Exercise (it can be jogging in the morning, swimming, playing a sport) : MAKE IT FUN, enjoy.

#4 Eat healthy : reasonable portions, home made food and try to have 50% of vegetables, 25% protein (fish, meat) and 25% grains (brown rise, quinoa are my personal favorites)

#5 Have great breakfast everyday. It will help you have the necessary energy, you will eat less throughout the day and a delicious breakfast is simply a wonderful start of the day.

#6 Less STRESS

#7 Spend more time outside. Go for a walk. Relax.

#8 Make sure to treat yourself once in awhile.

#9 Smile! You will feel more happy, thus will have the motivation to keep on living the life you have !

#10 Be COMFORTABLE in your body, this will give you confidence and attract attention of the opposite sex!

These turned out to be rather the tips of happiness AND how to stay fit, healthy and happy. They work, trust me. Just try. It is hard in the beginning , but it is worth the results ! Have a wonderful night everyone! Stay positive and smile!

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