Hello ! With great pleasure to share with you my favorite authors and their works . Love to read , but unfortunately , the last time, it is no time to take the book in hand.First of all, I want to mention such a great writer , like Alexander Dumas. His favorite novel , " Queen Margot ." This is one of his most famous novels , has long been classics of historical and adventure literature . France , the sixteenth century , the era of fierce fighting between Protestants and Catholics , sophisticated court intrigues and tragic love story of Queen Margot , necessarily became a participant of foreign political games .Still , I love detective stories. And the most interesting , in my opinion, from what I've read - is, " The Diamond Chariot " by Boris Akunin . She published two-volume , both volumes are placed under one cover . In the first book , " Catcher dragonflies " the reader follows the two characters - the good (railway official Fandorin ) and bad (Japanese super spy Rybnikov ) . They operate in secret from each other on the background of Russian -Japanese War of 1905 and the pre-revolutionary turmoil . Bad wants to blow up the railway and make a revolt in the ancient capital , good - to prevent the villainous plans. The second book , " Between the Lines " tells the story of Fandorin's adventures in Japan in 1878 , his unarmed conflicts with samurai and ninja , and the love of a courtesan recruiting Attendance of lectures on " Murderers and thieves - buddoizbrannye lucky .Another novel, which I read with great pleasure that is "Angelica " . Author: Anne and Serge Golon . In my opinion - this is the greatest work that is worthy of respect. The novel consists of a series of literary works of art that tell about Angelica , the fictional beauty- adventuress XVII century. The series consists of 13 books :1) Angelica / Marchioness of angels ;2) Way to Versailles / Angelique Marquise - angels ;3) Angelique and the King ;4) Unrestrained Angelica / Angelica Barbary / Angelique and the Sultan ;5 ) Riots Angelica ;6 ) Love of Angelica ;7) Angelica in the New World ;8) The Temptation of Angelica ;9) Angelique and the Demon ;10) Angelica and conspiracy shadows;11) Angelique in Quebec ;12) The road of hope ;13) Triumph / Victory Angelica .There's also a movie "Angelica " , which I think you're looking at.I can not mention a series of novels " Twilight," which was the author Stephanie Meyer. All 4 parts have become bestsellers and have been translated into 37 languages ​​around the world. Each of the book describes the events that happen to the main character , a girl named Bella Swan , who fell in love with a vampire. I was thrilled because I love all the supernatural ! Movies , I , too, everything looked .And the last thing I wanted to say : Joanne Kathleen Rowling's " Harry Potter ." I think that's the name does not even require a comment. Let's just say - SUPER! ! ! !Here's a list of my favorite books. I hope that I will soon be free time to read them again Sincerely, Natalie.

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