Haay, my name is Gaby Reiman, my full name is Gabriel Reiman.
I was born in Thailand, ( Chon Buri) but i was an accident because my father already had a wive and children.
So my mother felt in love with a Dutch man who was on vacation in Thailand My father also was dutch.
And they decide to marry in The Netherlands, but they had leave me in Thailand because i had to arrange a pasport , so when i came to The Netherlands i came with the Pasport from my brother , i had to look like him so they cut my hair hihi.
Know i will skip a whole life changing story but it's to personal to write about.
When was 14 i lived with the parents from my acknowledge father that was the man who my mother was married to but they where separate a view years after we go to live in Holland.
when i was 15 my biologic father told me he has a house in Amsterdam and ask me to live there with my brother from 17. My biopic father still lives in Thailand.
Than my brother got a cerebral hemorrhage so from there i had to found a place to live for myself. And when i was 16 i was dreaming to do some model work but i was to tuff and insecure to speak it out loud and i was to small to be a model in Holland.
Later i was doing some shoots with photographers and i love do to Films! being a actrice i had taken a cursus and everything what was going on in my live haven't stopt me from doing that.
When i was younger i was a good soccer playing girl that good that i could play professional but because of things and leaving house early it was really hard without money to go to my soccers games all around the country.

And 1 time i was so depressieve and i ask for good thing so i was searching on internet and i saw that they needed people to go to the Fillippines to help poor childer! i thought THAT IS WHAT I WANT TO DO!!
that really helpt me and give me strength to do good for those children and when i came back in Holland i organize some fund raise projects to get money for those children! And when the Big storm happend there i was trying my best to help them, and not only collect money but my goal was to let people think about it and let hem know that they are spoiled here.

And what happend in my life and everything what doesn't work with me the model work and helping other make me happy and made me feel good.

So my advice is do the things that make you happy and do the thinks that make you smile, everybody have a story but it's about the strength not to sit still and feel sorry for yourself but do the things what makes you happy than if bad things will happend, and they will than YOU can do YOU , make yourself smiley and send the positieve energy to each other !

With proud i want to say that i have been MISS Powerwoman 2014.
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