I posted today on my wall one picture of a Belgrade sunset... I've been taking so many pictures lately, I decided to share some more with you.

The first three pictures were taken on the same day, within one or two hours... This is why I'm in love with sunsets here. And neither one of the pictures of sunsets was filtered, altered or Photoshopped. You get to see the originals. Amazing
Even though the Little Prince says that one loves sunsets when one is sad, you think.

This picture is taken from the car, while waiting on the traffic light.
The next three are in my neighborhood, first one is from tonight, the second one was a rainy night, and the third one is a very interesting fountain.

The last one is a special. One of the tenants in the building I finished a couple of years ago called me. Of course, the view was too good not to take the picture. The skyline is something special. Picture is processed , just to mention.

I hope you enjoyed some of the view of my town from my lens.

Have a good night (or morning, some of us still have sleeping issues).
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