Lingerie, underwear, bras
Victoria's Secret in my opinion has the sexiest and the most beautiful collection of bras and underwear with fabulous sparkles and diamonds added that decorate them beautifully.
Bags need to be good quality and able to be matched with various types of outfits. Therefore, I would suggest brands such as Valentino, Moschino, YSL or Gucci. Their designs are very classy and they are easily matched with many styles.
Jimmy Choo. One of my favorite brands. Luxurious shoes that look amazing and are a great quality.
For a makeup brand I would definitely choose MAC. Great lipsticks, powders, highlighters - basically everything they offer is a great quality and hardly comes off the face.
For a perfume I would choose Chanel or Jimmy Choo their smells are very discreet but classy and powerful.
Several brands I suggest for clothes:
- Gucci
- Hermes
- Prada
- Chanel
- Versace
- Fendi
I believe all the brands above are the real princess dream to all the misses in this competition.