Potatoes - one of the products, with the failure of which many are beginning to weight reduction. Let's see if this is true.
Potatoes - a vegetable rich in starch. This determines its high nutritional value.
The use of potatoes is defined by its rich in vitamins and trace elements - is ascorbic acid, potassium, pantothenic acid, B vitamins, phosphorus and magnesium. Potatoes is actively used in clinical nutrition in the presence of joint diseases and gastrointestinal tract, as well as fresh juice is used topically for skin diseases.
It is necessary to consider the following points:
- Preferred methods for preparing potato - boiling, steaming and baking in the oven.
- During cooking potatoes to be lowered into boiling water, it will preserve the vitamins are destroyed by gradually heating.
- For long-term storage of potatoes accumulate the alkaloid solanine. This is especially true of potatoes, which is stored in the light. Solanine can cause poisoning. Do not use potatoes that had been stored for more than 5 months, pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.
- Chips, chips, potatoes Vries these kinds of potatoes have a high glycemic index and a much higher calorie due to the presence of fats, which, moreover, are trans fats. Potatoes as such is of no nutritional value, but "empty calories" in it enough.
- Preparation of mashed potatoes also improves glycemic index food. During the weight loss is to abandon this dish and cook it with the addition of potatoes celery or cauliflower.
When using potatoes in your diet, give preference to its healthy cooking methods. Even in the weight loss period, it is possible to afford 1-2 times a week for lunch potatoes boiled in their skins, or first dish containing potatoes. But chips and French fries, even those who do not lose weight, there is not worth it.
Potatoes - a vegetable rich in starch. This determines its high nutritional value.
The use of potatoes is defined by its rich in vitamins and trace elements - is ascorbic acid, potassium, pantothenic acid, B vitamins, phosphorus and magnesium. Potatoes is actively used in clinical nutrition in the presence of joint diseases and gastrointestinal tract, as well as fresh juice is used topically for skin diseases.
It is necessary to consider the following points:
- Preferred methods for preparing potato - boiling, steaming and baking in the oven.
- During cooking potatoes to be lowered into boiling water, it will preserve the vitamins are destroyed by gradually heating.
- For long-term storage of potatoes accumulate the alkaloid solanine. This is especially true of potatoes, which is stored in the light. Solanine can cause poisoning. Do not use potatoes that had been stored for more than 5 months, pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.
- Chips, chips, potatoes Vries these kinds of potatoes have a high glycemic index and a much higher calorie due to the presence of fats, which, moreover, are trans fats. Potatoes as such is of no nutritional value, but "empty calories" in it enough.
- Preparation of mashed potatoes also improves glycemic index food. During the weight loss is to abandon this dish and cook it with the addition of potatoes celery or cauliflower.
When using potatoes in your diet, give preference to its healthy cooking methods. Even in the weight loss period, it is possible to afford 1-2 times a week for lunch potatoes boiled in their skins, or first dish containing potatoes. But chips and French fries, even those who do not lose weight, there is not worth it.