Now I will tell you a little about the attractions of Belarus. I hope you will want to come visit and see our reality prekraste country) Brest fortress - one of the symbols not only of Brest and the whole Belarus, largely due to tragicheskii and at the same time heroic times of the Second world war.
Mir castle is an outstanding work of Belarusian architecture of the 16th century. Its architecture has found a visible reflection of the feudal era: the powerful walls and towers, capable of protecting the wearer from the enemy, stood a rich Palace — the residence of the tycoon. Made of stone and brick, surrounded by ramparts with bastions and moats, the castle with its monumentality and inaccessibility personified strength and unlimited power of the feudal Lord. Kamenetskaya tower - a mute witness to the many pages of history and bloody battles of the past centuries. In the XIV century. it was repeatedly besieged by the crusaders, was stormed by the troops of Polish Duke of Mazovia and the Lithuanian Prince Vytautas and Jagiello.
The Gediminas castle in Lida, the fortress was built between 1323 and 1325. Duke Gediminas and for several centuries remained a powerful stronghold in the Western lands of Belarus.
Sapieha Palace complex in Ruzhany - the architectural monument of the XVII century, the ruins of the former residence of the magnate of the Sapieha kind in Ruzhany. During the First world war (1914) on the oversight of factory laundresses in the Palace there was the strongest fire, part of the walls collapsed. In the interwar period there were attempts of restoration, however, due to the destruction of the great Patriotic war, the Palace finally fell into ruins.But in 2008 began its restoration.
Polotsk, a small town where I was born, I decided to combine two of its ancient cathedrals - the Transfiguration and St. Sophia. The Cathedral of the Spaso-Euphrosyne monastery, built between 1128 and 1156 years by architect John is a four-pillar single-domed building. It reflected the features of the General direction of old Russian architecture of XII century — the small size, simplicity of plan, the monumentality of appearance, achieved by scanty means, and fresco painting of the interior.
Built on the Foundation of St. Sophia Cathedral of the XI century, (founded between 1044 and 1066 years), the stones of the Foundation available for inspection in the lower (basement) of the Cathedral. From the Cathedral of the XI century are preserved consisting of three parts of the apse height of about 9 m (right side of the Cathedral when facing the entrance of the temple), remains of walls, tomb.
Boris and Gleb Church in Grodno - a wonderful example of ancient Russian architecture of the second half of the twelfth century the Composition of the building, its design and decoration related Lower Church in Grodno (mid XII century).
The puslovskie's Palace in Kossovo - was built in 1838 on the Western outskirts of the settlements of a country manor ensemble with a large Park. In the construction of the Palace and the breakdown of the Park was attended by architects F. Amold and V. Marconi. The Palace, possessing a well-developed composition, characteristic of classicism, endowed with fortified towers and turrets in the spirit of Gothic antiquity, represents a romantic period of architecture in the mid-nineteenth century.
The Jesuit monastery in Grodno - Church and monastery - an outstanding monument of Belarusian architecture of the XVII—XVIII century In the past, the Church and monastery were the richest in the Commonwealth. They occupied an entire block in the Central part of the city. I told you a little about the monuments which in many years are the history of our country)))