In the summer when it is very hot, special attention should be given to drinking regime.The most important for me to drink is water. And in the summer of plain water is the indispensable drink. But the water in the hot season I drink more than usual. In the morning just after waking up is required to drink a glass of lukewarm water to which you can add lemon juice.It is important to pay special attention to drinking regime in the hot season.We always need water, especially in hot weather. It should result in metabolic processes in the body to its normal balance, and this helps ordinary water.During the day you should drink half a glass of water or any unsweetened drink every 40 minutes. It is also advisable to drink a glass of lukewarm water for 30 minutes before eating, and also a glass of water before going to bed. Very useful water with the juice of fruit and berries. Sometimes I make a weak infusion of medicinal herbs. Of course, I also drink juice summer.I juice diluted with water 1: 1. I can also drink weak green tea with citrus juice.I stress that all drinks should be consumed without sugar. Desirable to reduce the amount of coffee as the beverage further promotes removal of fluid from the body. If we will not make up for the amount of liquid, there is a risk of dehydration. And the main thing that you liked a drink.
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