Hello, Everybody.
Yes I was a youth politic in 2010
(I started from 2008, but more officially from 2010)
We had a free access to " Rigas Dome" (Riga City Council)
I was a youth deputed in "Environment committee".
Our politic was made "copy paste" of Rigas Dome (Riga City Council) structure.
The Presidium of the Riga City Council with the Chairman and the representatives from the political parties.
We had all the same committees and meetings, we had elections.
We prepared:
That was amazing experience. because we was already so close to real politics and politicians.
I still has some contacts with deputies, some of them right now are ex-deputies.
(that was not the only one project I took part in, but that was great one!)
Some of this youth are still made their future in politic way, what I can say about myself, right now I know from the "inside how it works" and how possible to make changes. And I will carry on with rising my educational program Bioetchics (and other social and charity), but not in politician way. This knowledge is the tool for me.

Our members and Fractions from:
Saskana Centrs(
Nacionālā apvienība "Visu Latvijai!"—"Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK"
Latvijas Zemnieku savienība , LZS
Latvijas Zaļā partija
Latvijas Sociālistiskā partija , LSP
So what do you think.. can you imagine yourself as politician? What you should do? What changes?
Yes I was a youth politic in 2010
(I started from 2008, but more officially from 2010)
We had a free access to " Rigas Dome" (Riga City Council)
I was a youth deputed in "Environment committee".
Our politic was made "copy paste" of Rigas Dome (Riga City Council) structure.
The Presidium of the Riga City Council with the Chairman and the representatives from the political parties.
We had all the same committees and meetings, we had elections.
We prepared:
- questions for consideration at sessions
- consider the budget resume and self-monitoring (for the projects)
- developing a strategy for long-term development of the projects
- make proposals for the management and operation of government property
- rise up important social questions
- Committee for Financial and Administrative Affairs
- The Safety Committee
- Committee of Education, Culture and Sport
- Environment Committee (I was there)
- City Development Committee
- City Property Committee
- The Committee on Traffic and Transport
- Committee of Social Affairs
That was amazing experience. because we was already so close to real politics and politicians.
I still has some contacts with deputies, some of them right now are ex-deputies.
(that was not the only one project I took part in, but that was great one!)
Some of this youth are still made their future in politic way, what I can say about myself, right now I know from the "inside how it works" and how possible to make changes. And I will carry on with rising my educational program Bioetchics (and other social and charity), but not in politician way. This knowledge is the tool for me.

Our members and Fractions from:
Saskana Centrs(
Nacionālā apvienība "Visu Latvijai!"—"Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK"
Latvijas Zemnieku savienība , LZS
Latvijas Zaļā partija
Latvijas Sociālistiskā partija , LSP
So what do you think.. can you imagine yourself as politician? What you should do? What changes?