How to define risk experience? It is very personal to every single one of us. But, well, we are living in a society where there are still bunch of people thinking that changing job, friends or even a house is a risk. Some people think that cutting their hair short has ruined their life or hopping on a plane to see another country is horrendous thing to do for a single girl, because what if something goes wrong? Let me tell you, if everything goes too well, you didn’t risk enough. Cliché or not, we only have one life. We are here to take maximum of it while enriching society with new values and perspectives. On one Wednesday I had enough of stereotypes, that pageant girl, blonde, tall, likes to dress up and do her make up, can not go travelling alone. I was told I am mad, I will die, it's dangerous or simply - don't do it. It’s not so common that a girl who is working in show-business and is used to social events, gowns and high heels will take one hand luggage size backpack books a 12-hour flight on Wednesday evening and flies out Thursday morning to observe Asia all alone. There where no one I knew to meet up, there were no housing or friends waiting. I booked my first accommodation sitting in the airport before my flight and honestly I had no idea what to expect. It was a big risk because I was the only one to rely on if something happens. Risks in Asia are endless, from food poisoning, diseases, till trafficking. Blending in was never an option. I just took the best of this couple weeks I spent there, made tonnes of new friends and explored many beautiful islands. While taking such a risk I made myself to come out of comfort-zone. I showed everyone that no one's abilities to travel, enjoy life or make friends should be stereotyped by their looks or hobbies. A girl who can rock 15 cm heels and pageant gowns can same time enjoy proper hike alone in wild nature and travel in far away lands alone and experience life like there is no tomorrow.
PS! Timer takes great picture