I don't like Latvian national recipes. But I would like to tell you about my favorite apple pie.
Recipe is easy! VEEERY EASY!
  • First of all, you should buy (or take from your garden) apples, but not very sweet, because taste will be too simple.
  • Wash, clean from the peel, cut in a small pieces
  • Then you have 2 options - buy flour mixture or do it by your own. I bought due to have specific taste. If you bought mixture, you should roll out the dough, using flour.
  • Then put apple pieces on the dough.
  • While doing this, you should cook vanilla sauce. Milk + flour + vanilla and cook for 5-10 min.
  • Then wait till sauce will be not that hot and then you should add sauce to the dough with apples.
  • Then wrap it and put into oven.
  • After 20-30 min you will get fantastic dish!!!
  • Viola
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