1.What has been your experience with Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest?
2.What should be improved in the Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest?
3.Will you participate in the Miss Dukascopy 2014? Why?

1. It's been fun actually. Sometimes it's stressfull cause I work as well and have to do these tasks and it is very time consuming. We have to try to promote ourselves and try to get likes as well. I started out, not knowing what to talk about and having no experience in blogging. I ended up finding out what I can talk about and more about myself and what I'm good at. I am good at makeup and speaking and writing and I really can talk about travel and fashion and food and culture. It think I would be really good at marketing and doing anything creative.

I honestly think that my blog ended up being the most fun, and interesting and addictive.
I'm Canadian and so I can speak English really well as well and that's important for Miss Dukascopy. With English you can reach a wider audience and it's the international language. Dukascopy is an international site. Actually I speak 3 languages, one of them is Japanese.

I think I could really get more people involved, people who don't fit the stereotype of a trader or banker. People who are more creative like me. I bring more fun into things. I am good at spreading the word. I think I would be good for Dukascopy and can represent them well.

I realized that I am a really good speaker and more talented than I thought I was. The contest forced all contestents to do the same tasks and my videos were the best, in my opinion. Did I also say that I really really like my blog and my writing. I natrually started to compare myself to the other contestants. I also learned that it's ok to say good things about yourself. Things like what I just said. lol. Not only that but I discovered that I really love blogging and sharing my videos and teaching people about things.

So thanks to this contest I learned so much more about who I am.

2. From the beggining it should be made clear who the contest is for and what it's about. It seems that a lot of models have joined and haven't even blogged at all. There are girls who show too much skin in photos in my opinion. How does that help or represent Dukascopy? It's ok if this is a glamour model contest.

This isn't even a beauty contest. it was said in the beggining that this is not a beauty contest but more of a social networking contest. I could also post my pics of when I went to Thailand or to the beach. I can wear a bikini too. I prefer not to do that though. I don't think that it's something for Dukascopy.
This is a proffessional community and Miss Dukascopy should be a little more proffessional, with a university degree, able to speak to people and blog, and a good role model. I am a great role model. I have overcome a horrible past and put myself through university and raised my brother and sister and can help people who are going through things. I am positive and fun and brave.

I did post about having problems with embedding videos and posting pictures. they work better now. The translation option for the comments does not work for me and never has. I have to try google translate when people comment in Russian.

I saw that people got a lot of likes for really boring or not so special posts and didn't understand until Oct. that they were mass emailing and commenting and doing other things to people they don't know on Dukascopy and thus recieving likes. I was working at a real job all year and especially during the summer so didn't do anything like that., nor did I pay attention to what others were doing The summer was really tough for me. that's when the tasks started coming as well. But I think the quality of the blog and tasks should be important and that using those strange strategies should not be, otherwise what do the likes and comments actually represent? I also sensed that some posts were plagerized. I have used photos and videos from others but never the words of others unless I gave the source. Also many of the pictures have the web address on them.

I also think that the tasks should be more strickly controlled. I saw that some other contestants did the tasks but did them incorrectly. Meaning that they did not answer the question asked and talked about something else or did not follow what was said, yet they still got full points for the task. I can give examples of this but don't want to single anyone out and hurt someone's feelings.

Those are the only things I can think about at the moment. I really hope I don't sond negative or that I'm complaining. You asked right? I hope to help you and answer honestly.

3. I'm not sure. It depends on how much time I have. I really enjoy blogging and I hope something can happen for me from this contest. It really is a lot of work and time consuming though. I have my youtube channel and will keep making videos though. It was a good experience.

Please vote for me for Miss Dukascopy! Like and comment. I also have 2 galleries and a youtube channel, username pinkfuzz80.

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