Hello, dear community! Interesting question and task. Well, I'd like to tell you that. As you all already know, I'm a sportsman. So it means, that while my sport career I used to visit many places, towns and hotels. I can say that after all I can survive anywhere, because some of you maybe can't even imagine holes in walls, where you can see your neighbour, absence of bathroom and toilets in your room number, or absence of hot water and heating system. So I went through and saw a lot. But I want to tell you about my vacations in Egypt a few years ago. I've been there twice and think that i'm not going to come back there anymore. Firs time I've been in Otium Hotel Golden in Sharm-el-Sheikh. As I can remember the owner of this hotel is some italian man. So, there were only italians and russians. Nice area - here I can't say anything. But survice... Stuff hates russians and love italians. Actually I understood why, when I saw a strange drunk huge russian woman, who shouted at the barista in russian. She was looking awful, really. Also you can imagine that such a people take all the food from the restaurant and know no discipline rules at all. But there are russian people, who aren't like them. Really!)) I was shoked, when I asked waighter for a knife and fork and he just threw one fork (without a knife) on my table and it just spinned for a while infront of me. Then when I got tan, I just started to play an italian lady with them, because I knew a few words and that was quite enough) They gave the worst and totally burned 1 thick piece of meat to russians and sliced carefully the goog meat for italians. Next time in the same town I visited was Domina Coral Bay. Their problem was animation programs. Very boring and primitive shows. If you could only see their disco-club! OMG!) It was a small dark place and seemed that someone was sick there because of the smell, sorry for such details, but I'm not lying. There were not any disco lights, just some 40W lapm, DJ was the animation guy (2 in 1), he just played some songs he and his girlfriend liked and drank Red Bull ( maybe with something else inside, who knows) lol. Also, there were 2 guys about 13-14 years old , they skated on scooters and skateboards right on the dancefloor, so of course nobody could dance. But actually, I visited this place for 3 minutes, saw all this 'beautiful' picture and went away to sleep. But again, the area of the hotel was amazing. )) So, I don't know, I don't want to say anything bad, because I can imagine how hard it should be just to maintain and develop the work of any hotel, but I also think, that if you decided to do something, then do it perfect or at least good. ))

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