Hello Community!
How are you today? Hope all of you are doing very well this Tuesday))
I would like to talk about women today, particularly about stereotypes concerning to us. As for me this topic is quite interesting as views of men about young women look are very different. Recently I noticed that proverb "Never judge book by it is cover" mostly applicable for men. I mean when you we meet a man, mostly he have a second chance even if we don't like how he dressed up. As soon as he open his mouth and show us that he is quite interesting person we are ready to continue communication with him. However, with women is another story and I wonder why???
Do you remember those old grannies who were always sitting outside of buildings and insulting all young and hot girls who were passing along them?? It was not very nice to hear. Unfortunately nowadays nothing changed. Still if we wear mini skirts -we are too easy to get, long dress -too complicated. For women is not easy to prove her value to other and especially to men who don't know either what they want))). LOL
But I believe that it is all about stereotypes and as the world is changing very fast those stereotypes will pass away soon as well.
If to be honest, I don't believe in first impression. And I never judge about the person straight away. I think we always have to give people opportunity to show theirself from different sides.
What do you think?
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