Good morning Community!
I would like to know your attitude to copies? You know why? Because today production of copies are become more and more popular and people buy it! China and Turkey are producing luxury copies of a very high quality which are almost impossible to differentiate from originals. And, by the way, it quite expensive as well but, of course, not as much as real Dior or Chanel. Moreover, decade ago it was not possible to make a replica of Luis Vuitton and some more brands but nowadays it is not a problem at all. Those brand's technology is no longer secret.
I have special attitude to copies. As for me, in general, brands for clothes are not the main thing in life but as soon as I am going to buy, for example, a Chanel bag or Louboutin shoes it is ORIGINAL ONLY!!!!!! I will tell you why. It is not about showing off. Production of luxury brands is all about to put soul into the products. Handcrafts is priceless. Dior, Hermes, Luis Vuitton, Chanel bags, especially when we are talking about limited edition are timeless pieces which are never out of fashion!
Which girl is not dreaming about those pieces of art?? Men will never understand why we can spend sooooo much money to buy one and only bag???? Watch the video and, I am sure, it will explain you, guys, a lot. First of all why I am for Originals and why we are, women are so much addicted to luxury fashion))
Have an amazing day! J. xoxo

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