Good Afternoon Community!
How are you doing today? Hope your Tuesday is going very well:up)))
Today I would like to continue the topic about healthy eating and talk about the most common mistakes which people are doing concerning the food consumption. I want to you to pay attention on those things as most of people don't even notice what they are doing and after they complain about bad metabolism and stuff.
So lets start from the very beginning:
  1. Light breakfast. This is the most important meal of the day therefore it should be balanced very well. Types of ideal breakfast you can find in my previous blog.
  2. Not enough vegetables for lunch. Your regular lunch should consist of protein and vegetables. Always. Vegetables fills your body with water which is working very well for your digestion.
  3. Too much coffee. If you are as strong coffee drinker as I am (No way to live without coffee) you allowed to have 1 -2 coffees per day but try not to exceed this dose. Don't forget that coffee with milk is equally to food so preferably drink black coffee with no sugar in order not to bother your metabolism.
  4. Your dinner should be 2-3 hours before bad time. You don't have to have your dinner at 6 pm and after go to sleep being starving or frustrated. It is not good for your body at all. The main point here is to not overeat)))) Better to have light protein and vegetables this time.
  5. Quick consumption of food. Nowadays when we are simply in rush five days per week it is hard to find enough time for proper lunch but to eat on the run is not good at all. You have to find at least 20 -30 mins for chewing food properly. You gonna feel better and full for longer time.
  6. Don't skip the meal. Even if you are on diet you have to eat 4 -5 times per day with small portions: Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. You have to eat every 2,5 -3 hours and never stay hungry.
If you are able to avoid those mistakes and follow healthy habits you will feel more powerful, healthy and unstressed. You will see difference very quickly! But Don't forget that all our life is about balance and if you feel like to have a piece of chocolate you allowed to take it))))
Take care of yourself.
J. xoxo
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