thousands of people have tattoos and piercings. But what do personally I think about it? At first - I don't have tattooes, I only had industrial piercing in my ear, but so that I got annoyed by it - I removed it And now there is no hole and no scars etc
I think that for some people this all means something, but for majority, butterfly on hip or dragon on the shoulder means totally nothing! I don't undertand those. Honestly. My opinion it that you can do tattoo, but it should mean really something important. Either way where is sense?
I don't have tattoes, but I can not exept that once I will have one. I know what exactly I want, why and what does it mean to me. But let's keep it a little secret
About piercings. I've had time in my "teenage" age, when I wanted to pierce my brow, my tounge, my lips I was addicted to all this. (by the way a was "emo") but seriously thanks God, I didn't do that and that this periode of my life is in past !!!
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