1.A Mars-sized object crashed into Earth 4.5 billion years ago, chipping off a chunk of rock that became the moon, and making the Earth’s axis tilt slightly.2. 111,111,111 × 111,111,111 = 12345678987654321.3. Our first ancestor to walk on land was a four-legged fish called Tiktaalik.4. Teenage brains really are different to adult ones.5. There are roughly 2 pints of water in every cubic foot of soil on Mars.6. You can use a blue whale’s wax earplug to work out its life history.7. There’s a mammal in Australia that has sex until it disintegrates.8. An orgasm can clear your sinuses.9. There’s a mantis that can camouflage itself to look exactly like an orchid.10. There’s an insect that has gears.
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