Hello guys,

Possibly it is a bit strange that at once I've fulfilled different tasks for Competition and only now I decided...to introduce myself.

Anyway better to do it later than never..

Nice to meet you guys.
My name is Lera and I am from Ukraine. What is the most interesting about me?

I can be so serious and in the same time I know how to have fun and really enjoy life... I love travel a lot, it is my passion in life. I suppose that it helps to understand how multifarious and amazing world is.

I am creative person, that's why my beloved things in life is photography, making interesting videos, dancing, singing, etc.
Especially i love to make night survey, photos of scenery, people, etc.

The most important in my life is my family: my parents, my boyfriend, my little dog.
What is happiness for me?
When all my beloved people are healthy, happy and smiling. Also I am happy when I do in life what I like...and I am happy because for now my hobby and my profession is the same (nevertheless that I graduated law department in Kiev... but anymore I don't work as lawyer).

I love to make sport a lot: visit gym, dance salsa, make rolls, skating, skiing. It helps me to be healthy, happy and in good shape.

And finishing my brief story would like to notice taht I love to sing a lot.
Sometimes we visit karaoke and fully relax. Nevertheless that I don't have perfect voice I really enjoy it and feel myself confident in Karaoke - club. Here is little video from Karaoke.

So it would be great to know YOU better because I am sure:
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