
Hello my name is Valeria 25 years old, the winner of a beauty contest of Miss. Ekonomic University-2007
I am an actress of the Kiev theater "Arsenal", I am engaged in the ballet, play a violin, write verses and songs in English, German, French languages.
I participated in various promotion actions and mass meetings.


Gymnasium No. 109 of T.G. Shevchenko - 2004
Kiev Economic Institute of Management of 2004-2010.
I participated in annual science conferences "This Exciting World of Business" in my Institute.
Music school No. 4 of Shostakovich - 2007. Class "Violin"
Studio at the Kiev Institute of Music of R. M. Gliere - 2008. Class "Violin"
The French Cultural Center - 2003-2009.
Folk theater "Arsenal" - September 2010 May, 2011, roles in mass meetings, own statements.
Courses of classical choreography of "Kiyanochka" January-April, 2008
Courses of classical choreography at municipal opera and ballet theater for children and youth - September 2010 July, 2011


Beauty contest of Miss. Ekonomic University-2007 - First Vice-Miss.
Folk theater "Arsenal" - September 2010 May, 2011, roles in mass meetings, own statements.
The performance "Til" according to Charles de Coster's novel "A legend of Til Ulenshpigel and Lamma Gudzak", roles - the Flemish townswoman, the conventual, the inquisition victim, the witch, the beggar, the maiden from a brothel.
Own statement "Niccolo Paganinni without money in a hotel room"
- Niccolo Paganinni's role.
Dancing statement by May 9 - a role of the girl who is seeing off on the front of the guy.
Role in mass meeting "I am a Princess here!" September 2013, "Beauty for 12 hours" October 2013, a role in mass meeting "Girls and Belongings " October 2013, "I want to be in VIA-GRA" ( Nus Virgos).
I play a violin on holidays in firm where I work as the sales manager. I compose the compositions, improvisations and cover versions.

Violin, ballet, drawing, verses, stories, stories, fairy tales.
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