Seductive and endlessly fashionable, the Sable fur from VERMOREL is fundamentally a choice of excellence. I saw it with my own eyes & tried it on my shoulders.
One word: Stunning!

Who will win this exceptional piece of sophistication and infinite style? Who will become Miss Dukascopy 2014?
Dukascopy community is searching for her, the pearl of brain & beauty.
Here are four main characteristics to cultivate: witty, out of the box, sharp and flexible!!!

Work it out ladies!


Vermorel is a Swiss made luxury furs brand with hundred years of history. The creator Jean-Claude VERMOREL follows his family tradition, which is the combination of handmade service and renewed creativity. Through the seasons, we discover timeless pieces where modern designs, fine colors and original shapes seduce the eye and flame the heart of every men and women.
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