You do realize that my profile name here is anyautumn... that's like anya + autumn... without the double 'a' in the middle... okay, you obviously get it, I tend to overexplain things... so... no, I don't like autumn - I adore it! September - yes! October - double yes! November - not so much, but still a yes! I have to confess though that it's easy to love all seasons now that I live in a place where there are just two of them - summer and... a slightly cooler summer))) Seriously, I remembered it was October already only after I celebrated my birthday (which is in early October... I'm overexplaining again, sorry, won't happen again... or maybe it will... I honestly can't control it). Yeah... autumn in LA (everyone calls it 'fall' here) is pretty pleasant - it hardly ever rains and when it does it's more of a romantic overnight downpour; the weather is almost always tanktop-perfect (although I choose to layer it at all times!); the sky is blue, the sun is out and life feels like a late afternoon on a Saturday... still, people get depressed here, just like they do anywhere in the world no matter the season.
I know what depression is. Unfortunately. I know that feeling of hopeless-helpless-darkness that seems to fill each aspect of reality... and I fight it! Different methods work. Sometimes a piece of cake is enough, sometimes it takes an entire cake (Kiev cake, preferably)... sometimes I binge watch whatever is trending on Netflix, or sing, or dance, or play the piano, or drive to the ocean, or drive to the desert, or simply scream - I told you, different methods are at play))) Those are my antidepressants. The key is keeping busy. If I slow down enough to stop - I might get overwhelmed by the weight of the world on my shoulders and crumble and hit rock bottom and start feeling sorry for myself... and that's the luxury I can't afford.
Don't get me wrong - it's okay to give in to the dreamy sadness occasionally, we're all human after all... it's okay to cry a little while listening to music or be moved to tears by a touching film... it's okay to relax and just exhale... to take a moment to feel cozy and stay still... But once that moment is over, I put on mascara and my party dress and it's game on full speed!

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