Well, I'm sure the perfect man is wondering the same thing about the perfect woman... and doesn't have a sure answer either)
Back in 1999 I knew exactly who my perfect man was and where to find him. He was Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys (did I mention it was 1999?) living in America! I remember staying up at night imagining how he would show up to my school dance, take my hand and we would ride off into the sunset on white horses... I wish it were that simple now... although I'm grateful my taste in men has evolved since 1999)))
I truly believe that if two worlds are destined to collide - they will, no matter what. Moreover, trying to force or manipulate something as mysteriously complex as love, seems like a tremendous waste of time to me. So I just live my life! I do what I enjoy doing, go where I enjoy going while keeping my heart open! Because anything can happen. And anything does happen every single moment around us! People fall in love in all the wrong places, in all the right places - in all kinds of places! I may not understand life's timing, but I trust it. I do my part (which is becoming a better version of myself today than I was yesterday) and leave the rest to fate.
O Perfect Man, Where Art Thou?)
Good question! I guess mine is still somewhere out there.

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