Nature didn't need an operation to be beautiful. It just was.
Scott Westerfeld

Yes, plastic surgery is MAGIC. But, only in this situations:

The beginning “mission” of the plastic surgery was to help the people that really need HELP. And those are the people that suffered some tragical accidents, or those that were born with big aesthetic problems. The doctors and the inventors from this area deserve all our appreciation and gratitude.

I say NO, for the plastic surgery used for “tuning” or “repairing” some parts of the body.I don’t know how is it for you, but for me, when I paint my nails, or when I use more make up, I need a few minutes till my body “accepts” this beauty products. I can’t imagine how is it to have other “foreign substances” in my body like silicone or botox.I really think that all the small defects or problems can be “fixed” without plastic surgery. The “recipe" is simple: sport, healthy food, a lot of plants (can be used like teas, or bath), a lot of books and specialists can help you to be more confident and to like your body how it is. Quoting Lev Tolstoy: "If you look for perfection, you'll never be content".
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