Good day dear readers and Dukaskopy !!! I want to congratulate all of the new year 2017! Good luck, good and peace in the world! I really enjoy this job, because I love to talk about themselves, as well as learning about the other, because it is so brings us all!My name is Siranush Aslanyan, friends and acquaintances often called Sonya me. I am 30 years old, but it's just numbers, because I'm often told that I look 21-25 years maximum. I am very happy! I am a mother of two wonderful sons Marat and Artem is my reason for living, my children are my inspiration!I have two entities, one of which is higher, majoring in speech therapist, pathologist.I am very enthusiastic and versatile girl. Lead a healthy lifestyle. I love to sing, dance. I engaged in stretching. The perfection of the body and mind of course. Just like crafts and handwork, sew toys for children. I have a video blog on youtube. This is my main and favorite hobby. My videos on beauty, health, fashion, comfort and so on.I love travel and photography.The most important thing is not to stop, to move forward and improve! Dream, love, enjoy your life! Thank you for your attention!
My channel on YouTube!
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