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The researchers evaluated usefulness of foods for presence of vitamins and minerals, as well as their ability to prevent serious diseases such as heart attack, stroke, cancer. Continuous use of these foods contributes to healthy life for many years.

The list of 12 products primarily consists of berries: raspberries, blueberries and strawberries. These berries due to the high content of antioxidants and fiber, ellagic acid (inhibits growth of tumors), no fat should be referred to usefulness of food for humans.

Nuts and legumes are highly effective prevention of cancer, diabetes and obesity.

One of the most important food is fatty fish, which leads to normal pressure, normalizes work of cardiovascular system, supports activity of brain. Among animal food the best product is an egg. Preference should be given to boiled eggs.

Broccoli and cabbage effectively neutralize and remove toxins and protect human body against cancer.

Onion and garlic are also on the list. They strengthen immune system and general condition of a person. But the greatest benefit of these vegetables is in raw form, so do not forget to add them to salads.

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