Hey Community!
Today's blog I would like to devote to beauty topic)))
Since few latest decades it became popular among girls to make hair and eye lashes extensions. I would like to hear your opinion about that!
I can say from my own experience that when we are talking about high quality hair extensions made by really good specialist it looks like natural and no one can see difference between the texture of your own hair and extensions unless he or she put the hand inside your hair. I did it few times in my life and it was very expensive but looked just incredible! However, not every girl can afford to buy really nice hair as it quite expensive and they put hair of low quality which together with cheap work looks horrible. Lot of times I met girls whose hair looked like sponge! Lol
As for eyelashes extensions I'm totally against. There are several reasons for that:
  • it is totally destroy your own eyelashes,
  • there is no organic glue exist,
  • most of girls who are wearing it constantly has tired look
  • mostly their eyes always swelling which is not beautiful at all
I agree that sometimes we need to have bright look with strong emphasizing of eyes especially for events or shooting but you always can use one time usage eyelash extensions which are totally fine for any eyes even allergic.
If to be honest I think that nowadays natural hair and eyelash are more popular than attached . All fashionable and stylish girls are trying to look as natural as they can. Everyday "egyption" look is already in the past.
If you need sometimes to make a volume and extra length for your hair you can easily use extensions on clips. It is easy to attach and remove. It always will look amazing with hair dos and curls and won't damage your own hair at all.
Moreover, all men whom I asked if they like girls with extensions of anything answered "NO" because they love to touch our own soft and nice hair and look in our clear and fresh eyes.
What do you think about this? May be here are some man who prefer extremely bright girls? Share your opinion)))

Happy Friday!
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