Lies are a big part of our daily lives. People constantly use them, even without themselves realizing it. It is a lie to say "I'm fine" when you actually feel horrible lie even when they ask what you do. You always answer "nothing", but if anything it is really nothing?

I do not know whether noble lie, but definitely fib and lots of it
Constant use small harmless lies that help me to get out of an awkward situation or conversation.
simply, late for work, go and say, "Oh, these buses nightmare, just like it on my trip back late" And it's a lot - a plausible explanation of the following: "Today me so lazy to get out of bed that turned off the alarm phone and I continued to sleep, and above all not happened to me for the first time. "
I never told the hostess that her dish is salty, this is stupid and unnecessary, whom will hurt if I say it is good eating? If someone tells me that my new dress in magenta huge yellow and green roses is terrible, will hit terribly, my job is and what dress is nobody's telling me comment, if I wanted sincerely believe will not ask once I bought the dress, but at the time of purchase or before. After I bought it, I expect to tell me that I look beautiful, even if it is not looking for sincerity and compliments

The most common lies :

"I sat on the computer just a bit!"

The plan is to sit for 5 minutes to check something, but in the end, after 20 minutes on Facebook in 20 9gag 20 in YouTube and 10 more on Facebook, swearing how you diffuse and how it will no longer repeated.

Suits you! "

Naturally, this lie comes in response to the question "Are you my stand?" The answer is sometimes quite difficult. Whether you look good in comparison with steam or rack? Usually asking - not sure, but if he is not sure, there's probably why. However, this lie has to be spoken sincerely, because it is noble.

"You will hear!"

Nothing says more clearly and accurately "I do not want to hear" as one "will hear." This is because if a person really wants to hear you, say "I'll call." If you want to call Roman will say "give me a call." "We will be in touch" is reserved only for people that do not really intend to hear, but also hope they do not take you clinks.

"I'll have a little!"

Sometimes when eating ice cream or another dessert that can be dug with a spoon. After last twenty bites, things come to a stage where you start to hate yourself.
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