
I just want to rise this theme, because not all of us, think what can happened behind the "scenes", looking fun things.

But sometimes its cost lives. (Two horses DIED following the Melbourne Cup horserace)
I can say it for circus, horse races, and so on. Where people use animals for "fun", without respect of their nature and wills.

There is a two differences between: for example human have opportunity to choose, and if he want to be a car racer -he goes and do it, he takes responsibility for his own life and trauma he can got.
The same with other sport, this is sportsmen's choice!

And circus, some people like to become a gymnast or dancer, showing tricks.

But thre is different stories with the animals in "sport" (I can't call it sport) and circus.
Nobody asked, they just train them to obey the "strange will".

If some 20-30 years ago it was made for "show",because there were no much possibility to -watch TV,play games,watch films,e.t.c.

People like to see the show. But right now there is much great alternatives to make it without cruelity. -with No Deaths.

I hope you agree.
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