For me, the term "entrepreneur" is composed of several COMPULSORY points:
First: Due to the fact that I can offer something that is useful to others. The more they are in need, the more important it is that I can offer. Then nothing stands in the way of success.
What defines an entrepreneur. He has what others need, and makes it available to them. The more he has what others need, the higher the recognition and success.
Conclusion: The company serves. The greater its services, the greater the impact.
Second: The entrepreneur needs assistants. It must attract employees, train them and guide, in order to best produce and provide consumers with what they want to sell.
The fact that he wants to propose, he should produce and sell.
Third: The entrepreneur must manage. He runs through his ideas.
He runs through the production. He runs through the sale, and all that for him to do so.
Fourth: The entrepreneur is vying. Due to the competition it improves their product. It serves those who need it, and because of this more and more.
Fifth: The owner protects your company against attacks and to ensure its safety. He is self-confident and self-reliant.
Sixth: The entrepreneur knows that it is connected to those with whom he must work together. He knows how to find these people and how to keep them.
Seventh: Businessman rejoices his success, because success makes him happy. If the owner is happy and shows it to others, with him rejoice at his employees and their families.
Eighth: The entrepreneur feels solidarity with many. He knows that the happiness of many people depends on its success. At the same time it increases your success with the many people who helped him, in the name of decent existence for many.
Ninth: The owner transfers its business in the allotted time, a suitable successor. It gives them the freedom of action necessary for success. It continues to be the soul of the enterprise. His guardian angel continues to act in it.
Tenth: Businessman gives the opportunity to grow the company, even if it does not coincide with his views. He gives it the time stream, which flows through it, and benevolently watching him.