It all started once upon a Halloween Night, under the dark sky night, there was a pretty girl who was answering question in Dukascopy 911. She heard smth behind her and she got really frightened. Suddenly she received a strange question from the owner of Dukascopy Bank. He asked her: "Tell me, little girl, why my face is covered in blood?" The pretty lady had mixed feelings about the situation. On the one hand, she was honoured that the owner of Dukascopy himself wrote to her, but on the other hand - she was scared to death - why her and why does he have blood on his face? Suddenly, she heard that strange voice behind her again, but she didn't have enough courage to turn around and see from where the voice is coming from. She heard the voice again and again. Finally, she turned around and saw Vladimir Putin. He was lying on the ground almost unconscious. Suddenly, she received another message from Dukascopy leader: " I will help him on one condition: Vladimir should open the trading account in my bank and advertise it as the best Forex Bank ever". The girl transferred the information to Mr. Putin and he told her: "I will do anything, because Russia cannot survive without a leader like me. I can't afford myself to die like this."
After a while, Putin was healed and Dukascopy became the best bank in the whole universe. Only one question bothered the girl: "Why did the owner of Dukascopy have the blood on his face?" In five minutes she received a text: "Oh dear, forgot to tell you about my face, it was just to scare you a little bit, it was Halloween after all, wasn't it?"

After a while, Putin was healed and Dukascopy became the best bank in the whole universe. Only one question bothered the girl: "Why did the owner of Dukascopy have the blood on his face?" In five minutes she received a text: "Oh dear, forgot to tell you about my face, it was just to scare you a little bit, it was Halloween after all, wasn't it?"